Why are You Struggling to Lose Weight?

sports massage therapy

Being confident about your body image is great. But seeking happiness in unhealthy choices is not. If you are someone struggling with losing weight, you are not alone. Many of us know how easy it is to put on some pounds and what a trial it is to burn a few calories. One needs to strive consistently to overcome issues related to weight.

Many people have been trying for months yet seem to make no impact. Have you faced similar issues? Here we are presenting to you some of the causes that might be the cause of an extended struggle to lose weight.

If you are near to a healthy weight, you have a better chance of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a healthy child. Losing a little weight can help with fertility, pregnancy health and IVF treatment. Your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby increase if you maintain a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise.

You Are Not Exercising Enough

It is important to take help from physical activities to create a good calorie deficit. Calorie deficit emerges in your body when you are burning more calories and at the same time consuming a few calories. Doing physical exercises regularly helps in burning off a large number of calories. As a result of this burning off, your body loses weight.

Once you have achieved your desired weight, physical exercises can enable you to maintain that weight. You can join any sports club and practice your nerves there. Taking regular sports massage therapy sessions can also yield great results for your weight loss journey. It is a type of muscle manipulation aimed specifically at people with physically demanding lifestyle choices. This type of therapeutic massage considers the effects of different activities on specific joints and muscle groups.

You Are Not Eating The Right Foods

Diet is central to a weight loss plan. You can be working hard and walking strenuously, yet if you are not being careful with your diet, you will hardly be making any changes to your weight. Your skin and body reflect what you eat. The fast foods available to us in such a close reach are detrimental to our health.

So if you are someone eating foods like burgers and deep-fried edibles, your weight loss journey could take a lot of time. Eat foods that your body needs.

Now, many people think that you have to cut down on many foods. However, human nature is that the more you restrict yourself from eating something, the more your body craves it. Just aim at getting a variety of nutrients by eating diverse food.

You Are Eating Too Many Processed Foods

Processed foods might make life easier. But they certainly do not make life healthy. Processed foods are treated with salts, fats, and sugars to make them more delicious or suitable for storing for long periods. Moreover, these foods are readily available, and you might be consuming them more than you should be. Eating food sometimes becomes more of a hobby than being consumed as necessary.

You should try to keep processed foods as far out of your reach as possible. Still, if you need some processed foods, make sure that you are reading the nutrients table on them. Wise choices would lead you into a swift and enjoyable ride of weight loss. You might also find healthy foods that your taste buds would enjoy.

You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

People know about the magical influence of water on the skin, but they do not know its fruitfulness when it comes to losing weight. There are many reasons why water is considered a remedy for weight loss. There are many theories about it with strong evidence supporting them.

Water is known to be a natural suppressant for appetite. By drinking more water, you will feel satiated and will not crave other food items. Water is also responsible for speeding up metabolism. This means you can burn down many calories by drinking water.

Water is also important during exercise. It helps in dissolving electrolytes. The distribution of electrolytes in the body is also under the control of water. If you are drinking too little water, your workouts become less effective. Science also reveals that log exposure of your cells to dehydration results in breaking down proteins. This way your muscles are not built.

Moreover, water also helps your excretory system to perform better. Drinking more water means you are getting rid of waste more easily. A study reveals that women who replaced their diet beverages with water went through weight reduction much quicker than the controlled group.

As a person who is determined to lose weight, a water bottle is something you should never miss to have.

You Are Eating Too Many Carbs

Someone might have suggested you go for a high carb ad low-fat diet. This used to be a traditional diet plan given by doctors for managing weight. However, the problem with carbs, particularly the high glycemic carbs, is that they move quickly through the digestive system. This makes people feel hungry as the sugar levels and insulin spike. This diet plan is hard to remain consistent with. You will often have to make your hands reach cheat meal, and one cheat meal will lead to other.

Therefore, doctors recommend a different diet plan now. A diet with low carbs will always win the weight loss struggle. Many influencers and writers have stated that it’s not the carbohydrates that spike your weight, but it is a problem with the portion size. They are partially right, but one cannot deny the way our body digests carbohydrates and makes us feel hungry again. A much better option is to eat something that would not make you feel hungry.

You Are Not Eating Enough Proteins

Protein is the champion nutrient for making your body look beautiful as it already is and also in losing weight. Consuming proteins mean you feel satiated with whatever you are eating. You do not feel hungry as you would when you eat carbohydrates. Proteins leave you fully glutted.

Breaking down food, digesting it, and converting it to energy takes energy. In this regard, protein is the most expensive of the three macronutrients. Therefore the thermic effect is associated with protein. It is the ‘cost’ of food digesting. The thermic effect is considered to be minute and is often neglected. But in the case of proteins, it is quite effective and helps in weight loss.

You Have Food Allergies or Sensitivities

Dramatically changing your diet can make you aware of any possible food allergies that you have. They can also trigger a few. Such illnesses can prove to be obstacles in your weight loss journey. Food sensitivity, also known as a food allergy, can be triggered by certain foods or physiological changes from medications or illnesses.

Food sensitivities cause inflammation of the digestive tract. The digestive tract becomes less efficient when it is disturbed in any way. While calories are easily absorbed, nutrients may be lost before being used. This means that many calories are consumed, but the body does not receive the nutrition it requires to produce energy and maintain a healthy metabolism.

If you notice no change despite the dietary changes you have added to your life, you should check it with your doctor. Also, if you experience any symptoms like headaches, nausea, vomiting, or severe abdominal cramps with the change in diet, you should immediately consult your health care provider.

You Are Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Alcohol is a pretty addictive drink. If you want to maintain a healthy weight, you need to cancel it out from your lifestyle. Alcohol is a source of what is referred to as empty calories. These calories do not provide any useful nutrients. When you consume alcohol, it burns down the stored nutrients in your body, making you feel hungry. Their consumption can add calories but not nutrients.

Alcohol can cause fatal damage to your liver. The liver, which is responsible for metabolism, will be unable to function well. Alcohol consumption can cause alcoholic fatty liver. Once you are diagnosed with it, it becomes next to impossible to lose weight. How will you burn calories if your liver is not functioning?

The extra calories that alcohol contains get stored in your body. Hence, the belly fat. It could be hard to cut down on alcohol, but if you are determined to live a healthy life, you must consider giving up alcohol and beers.

Getting weight gain during and after IVF treatment is now a common thing as it’s side effects. It depends on which kind of body structure and hormonal level affect them during infertility treatment. So, some women gain weight easily during pregnancy.


Weight loss journeys can be hard to begin and harder to sustain. However, you have to remain motivated for better health and positivity in your life. Once in a while, you can listen to your cravings too. You can also incorporate a diet that consists of your favorite foods as well. Create a diet chart for yourself and enjoy it.

Remember that diet and physical exertion are both important for losing and maintaining weight. Drink more water and consume more proteins to lose weight. Try to avoid carbs and fats. In case you do not see any changes, consult your health care provider.