That is the question, right? How DO you find the best hair care product for your hair? The choices are limitless, and considering all the different hair types, it may seem easier to just give in and use whatever is available at the grocery story. But then you are right back in the same spot, hair that is damaged, frizzy, faded, limp, or just hard to control.
You may feel lost with all the choices, but all you really need is a road map. What are the best hair care products and why? We will take a look at the basic hair care products women use, and what to look for when you buy these best hair care products.
Buying the top hair care product has a lot to do with the kind of hair you have, and how you style it. It is important to remember that although hair is designed for protection, it is our job to protect it from damage with the products we use. Curly or fizzy hair tends to be dry, and the products used must moisturize and prevent additional dryness.
Fine hair tends to be limp, and products used need to leave no residue and promote full body. Oily hair can be weighted down by the wrong products and too much use of product. Even gray hair has its own set of challenges that must be considered before buying.
To find the best hair care products you must know hair type.
Does buying the best hair products mean you have to spend a lot of money? No, you really don’t. There is a little bit of “you get what you pay for”, as in buying an inexpensive grocery store brand of shampoo will most likely cause more damage than good. But, we have found hair products that absolutely work that do not cost a lot of money.
If possible, use a shampoo that is sulfate free. Women love lather and sulfates were put into shampoo to promote lather. The problem with sulfates is they strip the hair of color, proteins and nutrients.
While it may feel like your hair is “squeeky” clean, it is has really been damaged by the chemicals in the shampoo. Then, when trying to find the best shampoo for your hair, you must match it with hair type. Oily hair needs deep cleaning, without causing a reaction to create more oil. Dry hair, and frizzy hair, require a shampoo that adds moisture.
Conditioning your hair is extremely important. To keep you hair smooth, healthy and manageable, you must find and use the right conditioner for your hair type. Although some shampoos have a built in conditioner, this generally doesn’t do enough for getting your hair to the healthy place you want it to be.
Before you buy a conditioner you need to understand your hair type and how much styling you do. Hair color, how often you shampoo, relaxing and how much heat you apply to your hair all play a factor in picking the best conditioner.
Hair Dryer
Ionic hair dryers are designed to evaporate the water molecule from the inside out instead of blowing water off the hair. Less wattage is needed, and the hair has a shine to it after fully dry.
The best brush for your hair is a natural boar brush. The boar brush will lay the hair cuticle down, leaving your hair soft and shiny. The boar bristles are soft and flexible and can be used on any hair type.
Curling Irons, Flat Irons and Wands
Titanium is the most recent material used for any sort of iron. The properties if titanium allow a higher heat (up to 450 degrees) while at the same time being smooth to the hair and durable. Tourmaline ionic irons offer your hair protection, shine and are gentler to the hair.
These are the basic five hair care products that women use on their hair. Some use all, other just some, but it is important to remember that no matter how many you use, finding the best hair care product for you is what is most important.
Benefits of Healthy Hair
Is it really that important to take good care of your hair? While there are a few who have naturally healthy, beautiful hair, most of us do not? Just like taking care of our bodies thru exercise and good nutrition is important, we also must take care of our hair to maintain its heath and stability.
This isn’t to say that we should be focusing too much time on our hair and how we look. What this does say is the use of the right hair products will actually save you time and give you the beautiful hair you want. Taking a little time now to educate yourself on the right best hair care products for you will save you time, and money, in the long run.